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Use Atom

This is a collection of Atom usage and configuration.

Code formatter/syntax highlighter


atom-beautify is the very first package I installed. It supports almost all popular language highlighting and formatting. Some of them need additional packages to make it work, but you can easily find them either on Atom packages page or on GitHub.

Language support

PHP support

In order to support PHP, atom-beautify requires php-cs-fixer to be installed.

First, go here to download the latest version.

Switch to your download location in command-line and rename the file first (you have to rename it as follows because atom-beautify will try to locate the file using the exact same name):

$ mv php-cs-fixer.phar php-cs-fixer

Then make the file executable:

$ chmod a+x php-cs-fixer

Now move the file to somewhere that is included in your $PATH. Here we’ll use /usr/local/bin to make the file globally accessible:

$ sudo mv php-cs-fixer /usr/local/bin/

Now you’re good to go.